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2021 - 22 Raised Bed Application

Program Cost

          Due to recent movement to allow for greater accessibility to the garden, the growing space is under heavy development. To help pay for new tools, soil amendments, construction materials, etc., as well as the needs of the garden, renters are required to pay a fixed fee prior to movement into the bed. The year is split into two sessions, from now on referred to as “Session 1” and “Session 2.”


            Session 1 lasts from March 1st to August 25th. Session 2 lasts from September 1st to February 25th. Each session costs $30 for a 4’x4’ space or $50 for a 4’x8’ space.


            If you are unable to pay this amount, the garden will accept weekly hours of service for a discounted price to be discussed and agreed upon with garden management. Any person(s) taking advantage of this will need to clock in and out using a QR code laminated on the side of the shed.


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